Our mission is to build a bridge that connects entrepreneurs and their dreams of starting a business in Japan. Number Nine helps turn those dreams into reality.
Many people want to live in the Land of the Rising Sun. —It’s a safe country with a strong economy, beautiful landscapes, enchanting traditions, and urban areas that offer lots of entertainment. However, some foreigners will need to overcome language and cultural barriers in order to settle in.
Our professional team helps foreign entrepreneurs with:

  • ・Visa acquisition
  • ・Residential property hunting - purchase or lease
  • ・Commercial property hunting - purchase or lease
  • ・Business planning
  • ・Business management
  • ・Marketing
  • ・Arrangements for electricity, gas, and water for both residential and business facilities

Our English-speaking staff provides full language assistance. Our clients never have to worry about understanding or communicating in Japanese.
We deliver excellent results for our international entrepreneurs.

Number Nine mainly services clients in the Kansai area, which includes Osaka, Hyogo, Kyoto, and Nara. These prefectures are ideal for new and expanding businesses. They’re major economic centers and closely connected to other important Japanese cities via public transportation.
We have extensive experience in industries such as:

  • ・Import/export
  • ・Retail
  • ・Restaurants
  • ・Real estate
  • ・Beauty
  • ・Health.
  • ・Education
  • ・Insurance
  • ・Manufacturing
  • ・Clothing and fashion
  • ・Resorts and hotels
  • ・Entertainment
  • ・E-commerce businesses
  • ・Interior/exterior design

If you want to start your business in Japan, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

About Number Nine

Number Nine is an advertising company located in Osaka. We help businesses grow by implementing effective advertisement and promotional campaigns. For over two decades, we have served hundreds of local and international entrepreneurs and companies.
Number Nine combines strategic marketing planning, creative designs, and advanced software tools. We utilize a wide range of advertising methods to create beautiful visual content while ensuring that our clients’ message reaches their target audiences.

Number Nine co., ltd. Web Site:https://numbernine.co.jp/

Our Values

Cultural exchange and international friendships are powerful driving forces behind our global growth.
Foreigners bring invaluable gifts to Japan as they share their own culture and diversify the Japanese market. Symbiotically, Japan offers enriching experiences for individuals who appreciate its unique traditions.
The Land of the Rising Sun also provides lots of business opportunities. Entrepreneurs from all over the world can create flourishing companies and live happily in Japan. If this is your vision for your future, we will help you actualize it.

create a life in Japan
Create your life in Japan
I want to share my culture
I want to share my culture
I want to live in Japan!
I want to live in Japan!
